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What Matters Scottish Borders Hubs.

The Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Partnership have recently introduced meet-ups over two handy locations: Galashiels and Hawick. Both of these run weekly on a Wednesday  and Thursday respectively.

What is the Hub?

The Hub is a place where you can meet:
• People from community groups and voluntary organisations across the Scottish Borders.
• People from the Council such as social workers and occupational therapists.

How can the Hub help?

We can:
• Help you to get information and advice quickly to remain in your own home and get involved in your community.
• Help you find the support you need to stay independent, such as equipment, transport or help at home.
• Provide advice for carers about support available in your area.
• Provide information about what is happening in your local area and where you could meet new people.
• Provide information about volunteering opportunities.

Where can I get more information?

Either drop in to one of our sessions or contact Customer Advice and Support on 0300 100 1800. They can offer information and advice or details of the next Hub running in your area. They can even make you an appointment to see a specific professional.

There is a private room available should you wish to discuss anything in confidence You will be able to talk through what matters to you, what helps you to stay well and how you can be as independent for as long as you can
We will ask what matters to you and help you find out what is available in
your local area to help you live your life the way you want.